
Monday, July 15, 2013

CHAMP Camp Eval

Nervous.  Excited.  I felt like a kid again, on the first day of school, excited about speech camp, unsure of what to expect, uncertain if I'd make it to the right place on time without getting lost.  The kiddo was oblivious to all the day's adventures, but I had high hopes for all that we would learn at camp this week.

Kiddo loved riding the metro to George Washington University in DC--what 3 year old boy doesn't love trains?!  The walk to Camp was HOT (about 4 blocks from the metro), and finally we arrived at CHAMP Camp.  Whoo hoo!

I sat in a cubicle observation room and listened to kiddo express every sound and word he was capable of, and even more for a full hour and a half.  They were wonderful at making it fun, but also getting the info they needed for his assessment.  I still don't have the results yet, they said they need to score them, but I am hoping that this eval will be THE eval that tells us if he does have apraxia. 

Below is the ah-maz-ing Jodi Kumar, the creator of CHAMP Camp herself (in white with long dark hair), Katie, our graduate clinician who will be working with the kiddo during the week (in white and black) and Courtney, another graduate clinician.  

Puzzles, trains, and blowing bubbles, oh my!
Stay tuned for details about our first day of camp tomorrow!

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