Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I'm a HUGE advocate of teaching babies and toddlers sign language as a means of communication.  Whether speech delayed or not, it is such a useful tool, as babies are able to sign before they are able to speak.  Some parents worry that if their child uses signs they won't then try to speak, but research has indicated that this is not the case, and in fact, using sign language can accelerate their verbal skills.  Plus, if you teach your child ASL (American Sign Language), you're introducing your child to a second language, a huge bonus. :)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Journey Begins

I have two kids, two books I'm in the process of writing, and two blogs already.  And yet, I feel compelled to start another blog, sharing the journey I've been on with my son and hubster and God.  I kept it from my other blogs because I felt it was too personal.  But I really feel I need to share it.  Share what we've been going through and why it's impacted my writing and my faith and who I am.  And I hope that if there's anyone struggling with similar things with their kiddos, that they stumble across this blog and find it helpful.  So, here goes blog three. :)

You see, my son (currently 2 1/2) has had a lot of obstacles in his short life.  Obstacles that have been time consuming, worrisome, and yet have molded me into a stronger mom, stronger woman, and stronger in my faith.