
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Speech Videos

And finally, drum roll please.......

the much anticipated speech videos are here. Enjoy!!

First up, Little Brother:  Age 3 1/2

Please don't mind the mess, we had just moved the weekend before and hadn't finished organizing the kids' room.

Currently he's getting speech twice a week through the county and has made quite a bit of progress.

Kiddo:  Age 5 1/2

Kiddo's speech and language has really flourished since he started at his new school that is designed for children with special needs with peer models.  They learn the preschool curriculum with focus on speech and language skills as well as social skills.  His articulation has improved somewhat from last year's video (I was watching it this morning), but the major difference, which you'll see, is how much more he is talking and how much less prompting he needs to talk.  He will initiate conversations and ask a few questions, skills he did not have last year.  And he never really interacted verbally with peers, but now he is.  They don't often understand him, but he has lots of friends at school and church, and that makes me happy.  He also is starting to order his own food at restaurants, and most of the time the servers understand him, which makes me so proud.  We are so blessed to have found his school, his amazing teacher and the therapists who work with him.

Happy Valentine's Day to all!!

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