
Monday, April 6, 2015

Plans for Summer 2015

Within the same week, I learned that Kiddo had been accepted to both Nancy Kaufman's summer SPEAK program, and to a three day mini speech intensive with Jodi Kumar at George Washington University.  We've experienced progress at both places, and I really really wanted to go back to see Nancy Kaufman.  Her SPEAK program is two weeks long, and we went for four days and we saw improvement, so I cannot imagine the improvement we would see after two weeks of working with her and other speech therapists at her clinic.

Jodi's grad student Katie, me, Kiddo checking out the medal he earned (age 3) and Jodi Kumar--July 2013

Kiddo (age 4) working with Nancy Kaufman--Oct 2014

But, when it came down to logistics and finances, seeing Jodi at GWU is much more within our budget, my in-laws can watch Little Brother while we're there since they live nearby, Hubster can still work since he works with a company in the area (plus they'll pay for our hotel since he'll be working, score!), and we can visit with family and friends in the area.

So, sadly, I turned down the Nancy Kaufman experience, though we are planning on taking him back sometime.  Maybe next summer if he's accepted again?  Maybe for another four day intensive during the school year?

But I am excited about seeing Jodi Kumar again, she is amazing, and I'm excited to see what progress Kiddo will make and what I'll learn with Kiddo having speech 3x/day for three days with her.  We will see her in July, and I can't wait to see Jodi again and show off how much improvement Kiddo has made in the two years since she last saw him when he only said about 10-20 word approximations.  :)

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