
Friday, January 23, 2015

Speech Videos

Happy New Year!  I thought the best way to start off the blog for 2015 would be with some speech videos of the kiddos.  Easier said than done.  Life is busy, and for some reason when the camera comes out, these two get strangely uncooperative.  But finally, I got some fairly decent videos.

Up first, is Kiddo's speech video.  In this video I'm working with him on using verbs in phrases, using Nancy Kaufman's Speech to Language Workout Book.  Kiddo's reward for working on his words is to play with his Mosaic Art Puzzle.  He loves this and is awesome for fine motor practice.  Lots of progress in his speech since last year, that's for sure. :)

Kiddo, age 4 1/2

For Little Brother's video we worked on his animals and their sounds.  His favorite words are yeah and no, which you'll notice in the video. ;)

Little Brother, age 2 1/2

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