
Monday, December 30, 2013

First Day of Preschool!

Kiddo is enrolled in a preschool!
We've been on the waitlist for a while at one Christian preschool, all the other preschools in our area were either sketchy and I refused to have my child go there, or would not accept him since he is still not potty trained yet, or was a forty minute drive from our house.  BUT, God has provided an affordable Christian preschool....get this...right across the street from our neighborhood.  Yeah.  It used to be a day care that went out of business, and I kind of jokingly told the hubster it would be awesome if they made it into a preschool Kiddo could go to.  And they did!  A Christian one at that!

All of his therapy appointments through the county (twice a week speech, once a month physical and occupational therapy) will be occurring at his school.  This is huge folks.  A total answer to prayer.  I just have to take Kiddo to school Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8-12 each week and he will receive his therapy by the therapists he's been working with since August right there at his school.  His appointments used to take me 20 minutes to get to, I'd wait around with Little Brother during the half hour appointment, talk to the therapists for a minute or so, then it'd be a 20 minute drive back.   But did I mention this is across the street from our neighborhood?    I strapped the boys in their double stroller and walked over one day to tour the school and get the paperwork and timed how long it took me.  Nine minutes.  Pure awesomeness.

Kiddo's first day of school:

Kiddo was so excited to pick out his Angry Birds backpack this past weekend.  This morning, on his first day, when I told him we were going to school he ran to get his shoes and his Angry Birds "kackkack".  He went into his classroom and immediately began playing, not even bothering to give me a wave goodbye.  No tears.  I was proud of him.

When I went to pick him up, (I'll admit I got there 10 minutes early, I was eager to see/hear how he did on his first day) his teachers said he did just fine.  That he had fun with the other kids, had a blast playing outside on their playground, and painted a picture.

So excited about the opportunities he'll have to learn and grow at his new school. :)

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