Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Potty Training Take 2

I have two kiddos with speech delays and sensory processing disorder.  I've read articles and follow Facebook support groups for parents who have children in either of those categories.  And in both support groups, I see over and over questions about potty training, potty training horror stories, children who are 5, 6, 7 years old and still not potty trained.

So, I have to admit, I avoided potty training as long as possible for both boys.  Meaning, I didn't even attempt potty training until they were 3 1/2 years old.  I found this three day potty training method that I decided to adopt, and determined to stop procrastinating and just try and see if Kiddo could indeed be potty trained.  I cancelled an appointment and had Kiddo miss a day of preschool so that I had three days to stay at home with the kids and just focus on potty training Kiddo.  He was over 3 1/2, Little Brother was 1 1/2 and Hubster was out of town for work.  Which meant that while I was flying solo, I could focus solely on potty training and keeping the kids alive.

With Kiddo, I was amazed how quick he caught on to potty training.  By the end of the first day, he was using his potty chair like a pro.  Day 2, I introduced underwear and he handled that like a pro. By day three, his nightly pull up was dry in the morning.  Say what?!  Within three days, this kid who struggles to talk and walk up and down stairs was day and nighttime trained, and only had two accidents since then.  You can read more about it in this post.

I was on cloud nine.  I was more than willing to offer advice to parents who posted questions about potty training their speech delayed kiddos with sensory processing disorder on those Facebook support groups.

And then, potty training Little Brother came into the picture.  I used the exact same method as I did with Kiddo.  By the end of day 1, I had cleaned up a ridiculous number of accidents, and had yet to see him go in the potty.  I was beyond frustrated and ready to give up.  But Hubster encouraged me to try it for one more day, and I reluctantly agreed.

Day 2 Hubster had Little Brother sit on the potty chair and then tickled the kid until he peed in delight.  We then praised Little Brother for peeing in the potty, making sure he was aware of what had happened and what it had felt like.  Hmm, that was not part of the potty training method I was following, but it definitely worked and I was grateful.

And then, Little Brother kind of got it.  As in, once in the while, he'd pee in the potty.  Sometimes on the floor, or the couch but he'd tell us he went pee.  Sigh.

By day four, he was peeing consistently in the potty chair, but only if he was bare bottomed.  If he was wearing pull ups or underwear, that was an invitation to pee or poop in them.  So the kid ran around the house bare-bottomed for a total of three months.  I've seen more than I ever wanted to, let me tell you.  And we always put on pull ups before bed and before we went out anywhere.

We started the potty training process in January, and now, at the end of March, he is wearing underwear out in public and having very few accidents.  He tells us he has to go and he sits on the toilet and does his thing like a pro.  I still carry an extra pair of pants and underwear with me in case of accidents, but I think I can safely say he is potty trained.

Little Brother sporting his big boy underwear. :)

I naively thought because potty training using this method worked so easily for Kiddo, well then, that's the method to use for all kids.  Not so.  Little Brother needed a different method and a lot more time.  Way more than three days.

But he got it!  Which makes this exhausted but proud mama heart oh so very happy.  :)

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The First Loose Tooth Saga

While brushing Kiddo's teeth last Monday, I noticed he had his first loose tooth.  I told him about how his tooth was loose and that in a few days it would fall out.  A look of terror came over his sweet little face.  Yes, come to think of it, it does sound terrifying, right?  So I calmly explained the process a little better, and then launched into the exciting part.  That when his tooth falls out, he can bring it to Mommy or Daddy, (or his teacher if it falls out at school), and that Mommy and Daddy would get him a prize.  (Side note, we tell the kiddos about Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny, and have even mentioned the Tooth Fairy a time or two, but we don't want the kiddos to believe they are real).  So, anyway, I told him when he gives us his tooth, we would give him a prize.

His face lit up.  "Like Chuck E Cheese?" he asked.

I laughed.  "Yes Buddy.  Like Chuck E Cheese.  We'll take you shopping and let you pick a prize, ok?"

"Ok," he happily agreed, wiggling his tooth for the next few days.

Last Wednesday the kiddos had a regularly scheduled trip to the dentist, and Hubster mentioned that the dentist might be able to pull his tooth out.  So, that got Kiddo excited about going to see the dentist.  They already get a prize from the dentist for a job well done, and the thought of a bonus one from Mommy and Daddy was too good a dream to be true.  So as soon as the hygienist called him back, he showed her his wiggly tooth.  "Look!" he proudly showed her.

She took him back, cleaned his teeth, and called me back when he was done.  "He did great" she declared, but I saw tears in Kiddo's eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"No tooth out," he told me, showing me his tooth was still wiggling in his mouth.

"Well, you'll see the dentist in a few minutes.  He might be able to pull out your tooth, but he might not.  And if he doesn't, it's ok, your tooth will come out when it's ready in a few days, ok?"

Tears were still in his eyes, but he nodded.  The dentist arrived, declared him cavity free and that he would not pull the tooth.  And then he awarded Kiddo his prize, which cheered Kiddo up.

Little Brother did an awesome job until it came time for the flossing.  He would not let the hygienist floss his teeth.  But he was also cavity free and gladly accepted his prize.

Well, this morning I noticed Kiddo's tooth was leaning all the way forward, definitely ready to be pulled out.  Hubster asked if he could pull the tooth, and Kiddo bravely nodded, closing his eyes.

The tooth came out easily, Hubster and I cheered and Kiddo opened his eyes and simply declared "Oh."  And then he smiled, and ran off to see his new grin in the mirror.

Little Brother added "Me too!" and opened his mouth wide, pointing at his teeth.

"Not yet, Buddy," we told him.  "You've got to be five or six before you start losing your teeth."

"Ok," he said, pouting.

I took the kiddos to the toy store so Kiddo could pick out his prize.  He chose the game Mouse Trap, which the kiddos and I just played.

Exciting times, ya'll.  My little baby is growing up and losing his baby teeth.  They grow up so fast.